Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Grooveshark Pulled from Android Market- Wake Up Music Industry - They are Not the Enemy

Grooveshark, a popular subscription Android music app, pulled from Android Marketplace because of complaints from the Music Industry. Other worse offenders stay securely in place in the Android Market.

Give it up music industry, get it together and find compromises not alienate your consumer! PicSay Pro: Appstore for Android PicSay Pro: Appstore for Android
PicSay Pro

PicSay Pro on "sale" today @Amazon AppStore for FREE as their "paid app for free" of the day. Unlike many of the apps offered to this point, PicSay Pro has a whopping five starts from 12 different reviews. Get it now even if you do not plan to install it right away. You will save yourself $3.99.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Playstation Network on Your Android - Whoo Hoo!

Yep, there is an "App for That" [Apple phrase, I know, but hey, it still works]. 

The two best apps for accessing the Playstation Network to admire all of your latest trophies and to lust after still locked trophies are:

  • PS3 Trophies Pro

  • Sparks Trophies