Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Amazon App Store is Live!

Check it out! Get your Angry Birds Rio for free today as an exclusive launch title for the new, fancy Amazon App Store.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Droid X is pretty neat and has kickn' internal storage!

Well, my Dad finally got a Droid X, and it is super sweet. I'm a bit jealous, but man, I do not want to pay the cost of subscription that comes with a contract phone.

However, if you are part of the Verizon world, I highly recommend the Droid X.. Imagine internal storage measured in gigabytes instead of megabytes. I have fantasies about how many apps I could fit on that thing.

My Samsung Intercept topped out at about 45 apps (as long as some of them were small. My LG Optimus V is at about 91 apps. Apps2SD makes a huge difference.

I assume keeping it all internal to the Droid's memory would make it faster. If I ever find one just to buy without a contract, even just to use as WiFi, it may be a better investment than a PSP because of how many games and apps I could use with the internal memory.